Maggie’s Pick 4.26.2015: April Showers: “The Rain” by Open Till Midnight

So it’s been Concert Weekend and I kind of fell off the face of the Earth. Poeming shall resume tomorrow in multitude to replace the missing days. But for now, we have this:

I’m not sure this band even exists anymore and the more I listen to it, the more mixed the feelings I have about this song, but if I take myself out of this it’s a good song, though apparently highly underrated.

Maggie’s Pick 4.21.2015: April Showers: “Soldier” by Gavin DeGraw

“I’ll get it if you need it,
I’ll search if you don’t see it,
You’re thirsty, I’ll be rain,
You get hurt, I’ll take your pain.”

I actually really like this music video. And there’s so much rain in it. So on theme.

Maggie’s Pick 4.13.2015: April Showers: “Rain” by Breaking Benjamin

I think I heard this song a long time ago, and then I heard it again tonight, and it fits, like a lot of Breaking Benjamin songs. If I ever work up the courage to cover songs (YouTube legalities are complicated), a few of them will be Breaking Benjamin songs.

“Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.”

NaPoWriMo #7: “Airpoet” by Maggie McGinity

This was a typo once.

By Maggie McGinity

First my legs
Then my heart
Now my head
On fire

Bless and curse the delays
Which brought me this way
So quickly
Unannounced till the gate
They told me to wait
A passenger prickly

I was tired when the day was starting
Now we’re finally departing
And a nap may be mine
If I can find
It in my mind
To put off another deadline
That could keep me from the breadline

I hope my sheets are dry
And wait downstairs for me
I hope I can prepare, then lie
In quiet harmony

But first a long drive
And a short craft
Take the dive
And sort out aft

If we don’t hit a taxiing plane first
They saw this is bad, but I’ve had worse
I just want to take off, I just want to go home
Although I go alone.”


“Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you”
“Fly Me To The Moon” by Frank Sinatra