Maggie’s Pick 11.15.2014: “Crazy On You” by Heart

Ending the Crazy theme on a high note. Now I have to figure out what I’m going to Pick tomorrow o.O

Anyways. Love this song, want to learn guitar, want to learn the opening solo, want to be able to sing that high with my chest voice. Sigh. Great song.

Maggie’s Pick 11.14.2014: “I Want Crazy” by Hunter Hayes

In the theme. Also many people should actually know how actually crazy I am by now, which is completely different from what’s going on in this song. I’m just doing some ridiculous things in ridiculously short amounts of time, which is very Maggie. All of them are about school right now, so yay priorities!

This music video is very very story-based, and I almost hate that it starts with a conversation instead of the song, but it works. Also that chorus. “I don’t want easy, I want crazy.”

Also Hunter Hayes was and is a phenomenal songwriter and performer. Just FYI.

Maggie’s Pick 11.12.2014: “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” by Queen

Middle section of the theme-within-a-theme, which is songs with the words “crazy” and “love” in the title. Also this really feels like a Wednesday song, very in between.

This music video. Grease-inspired? Are they intentionally trying too hard to be cool? Why do they rip Freddie’s shirt open? So many questions.

Maggie’s Pick 11.10.2014: “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley

Same title, different artist. More Variations on a Theme: Crazy.

I love this song, though it took awhile for me to embrace it. I didn’t really understand it at first when they started playing it on the radio, but that was back in 2006.

“Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space

And when you’re out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough
I just knew too much”

Maggie’s Pick 11.9.2014: “Crazy” by Patsy Cline

So this week we’re doing another Variations on a Theme, but this one is “crazy.” This started on Wednesday, when I was driving home late at night and I started singing this song, but I couldn’t remember most of the words. Once I got home, I looked it up and then found a bunch of other songs with “Crazy” in the title in the process, so I made a playlist and planned out a whole week of blog posts.


Wednesday was also near the apex of my GRE-related insanity. The madness is far from over, though, it’s just the cause/goal that varies over time.

Anyways. This is the first, and by the end of Variations on a Theme: Crazy, we should have 7 crazy songs. Enjoy!

Maggie’s Pick 9.12.2014: “Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V)” by Pink Floyd

Ok, so this isn’t actually the whole song, and it’s actually David Gilmour, a Pink Floyd member, performing instead of the whole band, but this is the version I know best.

“Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there’s a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.”

And please shine on me. I’m so cold. I feel like I haven’t seen the sun in days. Months. Years.

’11:42 p.m.’ (New Poem)

I’m going to Dallas tomorrow. Technically later today. I won’t be back ’til Sunday and I won’t have time to post while I’m there, so I’ve been worrying about what I’d post before I left.

I was like, “I want to write a poem, but I don’t have anything to write about.”

Then life was like, “Oh, I’ll give you something to write about.”

So here we are:

11:42 p.m.
By Maggie McGinity

Like some kind of rabies,
These thoughts and these  ‘maybe’s
Are driving me insane.
One thing ’bout crazies,
Know calling one ‘baby’
Wears upon the brain;
And growin’ up slowly
Ain’t gonna hold me
To keeping this private pain.
Though I’m not the only
With knowledge so lonely,
Somehow, I’m trapped again.

These debts and these dailies,
The failings so flail-y
Are driving me inane.
One thing ’bout crazies,
Know calling one ‘baby’
Wears upon the sane;
And growin’ up slowly
Ain’t gonna hold me
To leaving this private pain.
Although I’m the only
Who sees this shame wholly,
In it, I’m trapped again.”

Quotes sandwich:

“I’d run through the desert, I’d walk through the rain
Get you into trouble, and take all the blame
I’d paint you a picture, write you a song
And I’d do it all over if I did it all wrong”-“If You Told Me To” by Hunter Hayes

“You say…
Love is a temple,
Love the higher law.
You ask me to enter,
But then you make me crawl,
And I can’t be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt”
-“One” by U2

“Maybe this is something I’ll never be,
But I’ll be right here ’til you tell me.”
-“If You Told Me To” by Hunter Hayes